Web Design Makeover - Great design makes you look successful!
Internet Outsource Tampabay specializes in image enhancing web design makeovers, with fast load times and strict adherence to Google Design Code Standards. Search Engine Optimization will increase traffic - but a great looking web site will keep their attention once they get there. You only get one chance to make a first impression!
Great design and style can sell anything. Let's analogize web sites to cars for a moment. When I ask people what is the greatest concern of auto makers today I get the wrong answer 100% of the time.
Although fuel efficiency is crucial - no one will buy a car if it's ugly, same for websites. Automakers will include any motor you want, if you will buy the car — So their biggest concern is still design. Successful people like to look successful.
Successful businesses need to look successful.
What is involved in a design makeover?
- Optimizing file download size of your images
- Cutting the file size of existing images on your site doesn't degrade the visual quality, but makes your pages load faster. Even more crucial now with mobile devices
The only thing your online clients/customers know about you is what they see. Lets analygize to cars again - if you have a shiny new Mercedes you look successful, even if it won't go over sixty! If you drive a beat up old flivver with faded paint, you might be rich but now you'll have to prove it.
Your successful IMAGE is nearly all in the look of your web site. So much so that many have had inexperienced designers convert to Wordpress image based sites that don't perform. You need bot design and performance!
- What are your options for improving your online image?
- Your options are limitless, but here's a few -
- A Simple, Recognizable Logo - suitable for a web site
- A new Color Scheme
- Color has a greater impact on people than you can imagine
- A New Navigation Scheme - It will not only upgrade your look it can make a visit to your site more user friendly for the visitor, by making it easier to find whet he wants in less time.
- An All-Text Navigation Set, like the one here contains linked keyword text that adds to your performance in search engines. There are no graphic images in this navigation system - it is all done with code.
- A New "Body"
- Most of your content is in a specific area. One copy of a page design can be made to your specs and copies made for all your pages. Your existing content is dropped into the new containers.
You then have a completely new site for a fraction of the money you invested in the original.
- Breaking up text blocs - Like the ones you are seeing now
- As you see here, you can easily find what topic you want to explore without combing through a jungle of unformatted text. This is especially useful for home pages where you want a good quantity of informative, and easily readible text, without looking like a research site, or a phone book.
A website makeover covers more than just colors and pictures!
The SEO upgrade should be built in during this process, page by page, for maximum dollar effeciency!