SEO for Business / Technical Web Design

SEO / Organic Optimization / Tampa Bay
Web Design for business - We build Business Sites With Organic Optimization & Search Marketing as part of the process! Built Right - Initially! No Need For Costly, or Ineffective, Aftermarket SEO!
We also do SEO retrofits, and SEO upgrades
The Yellow Pages are Over With, and Search Engines are Your Gateway to Getting Business Leads on the Internet!
SEO Second Opinions
<<Find Out Now>> If You're Being Had - SEO Second Opinions are in demand here because there's tons of incompetence and outright SEO fraud. Most people offering SEO services do not have a basic grasp of the underlying fundamentals. Most rely on plug-ins like Yoast.
The SEO industry is like auto repair - a very few brilliant ones, and a lot of shady operators, using your naïvté against you.
There is no such thing as an "Entry Level" SEO. Many things impact your ranking in a search - it's not not about "
SEO / Organic Optimization
SEO is an advanced skill, and to achieve what is known as
organic optimization, you must understand it all - all at once. You must do your internship as a web designer, and I don't mean just cranking out auto-build
Wordpress sites. If you can't build a simple web site - you can't build an optimized one!! You must fully understand HTML and have marketing and writing skills.
27 years on the net - I know my stuff, inside and out!.....Michael Walls
I can convert your current conventional site to mobile ready by just adding on the mobile function separately, using existing site content copy!
No need to start from scratch with "site-in-a-can"Wordpress, Drupal or Wix just to be mobile friendly!
Mobile-First Web Page Indexing
Platforms like Wordpress and Bootstrap, etc, use scripts to automatically pare down the PC version of a web page to just a headline and a few buttons, etc, for the mobile version. This is a problem now as Google's "
Mobile-First Indexing" prioritizes the mobile versions of your pages to "
crawl" and index your entire site.
Internet Outsource uses the full content of your PC pages for mobile versions. The content is just as fully searchable by Google as the PC versions.
Google started mobile-first indexing in 2016 and created a totally separate search engine for mobile searches. Now, no matter what devise your user base uses to reach your site, you will be judged, and indexed, by your mobile version!
You may be asking yourself - "Why has my web site suddenly dropped in page rank?"
If you are involved in any linking schemes or are using an online service to artificially increase traffic, you could be penalized or delisted. If you get delisted your domain name has been effectively Chernobylized!
Then again, it could be a simple mismatch between your server & Google setups. We can fix it!
Social Media Optimization
61.35% of all web traffic is now accessed from mobile devices - What does that mean for Business Brokers?
Most of mobile internet traffic is funneled through leisure time, social media apps. Some help serious businesses, some do not. Businesses and business brokers need a very focused social media campaign.
"Facebook has the highest market share for social media visits on smartphones and tablets. In the United States, YouTube is the most popular mobile app, with 75% usage, followed by Facebook at 65%".
"End Users" is a major factor in crafting any social media strategy for a business! You'll have to see past all the non-categorical usage stats and focus your social media attention on arenas where your interests are the topic of discussion.
YouTube can be used to good advantage via well crafted and tagged videos relevant to your business. Snapchat and Instagram is simple "show & tell". Though largely irrelevant to B2B businesses like business brokering, they may be of some use sending pictures for real estate agents.
Most of today's "Social Media Optimizers" do not differentiate between the applications - one size does not fit all!
Real, Hand Coded, Search Friendly Web Design for business brokers and SEO for business Brokers a specialty! No Fake Wordpress, Drupal or any other Cheezy Website Emulator - We Build Performance Oriented Business Machines!
Google Constantly Changes It's Algorithms!
You can be penalized for using stolen or bulk content!
Google made a serious change in algorithm and declared war on bulk, worthless content. If you bought a ready made web site with stock content, or are using database bulk generated content - be forewarned, you could run into Google penalties. Google is penalizing low quality sites and deceptive marketing!! Google now has 'boots on the ground' - real, live people reviewing sites randomly.
Skillful Copy Editing can get your copying penalties lifted!